“Do you listen to understand, or do you listen to respond?”

This week’s quote comes from my brother-in-law, Travis. Well, I don’t really know where the quote comes from, but it’s one he pulled out as a quick one liner in a conversation. The question is true for both personal and professional situations. Personally, if we don’t listen to each other, will we ever truely be able

“Help me find you — wherever I am, whenever I want”

This week’s quote comes from a recent Think Google post title “Holiday shoppers are begging brands for help. Are you listening?” by Emily Eberhard, the head of Shopping B2B Marketing at Google. The quote comes from one of the subheads she uses for a section of her post. I say a similar thing to clients all

“The Customer Experience is Always Right”

This week’s quote is from an Adobe ad campaign that ran a month or so ago. It’s something that stuck with me as more than just a clever addition to the mantra everyone knows — “The customer is always right.” We create digital content for users/customers, but we often lose sight of what the user/customer

“Growth happens when you’re stretched. Growth happens when you’re pushed. Growth happens when you’re forced to overcome challenges, obstacles and self-doubt. If you aren’t uncomfortable, you aren’t growing”

This week’s quote is from one of the Daily Rundown’s published by Linkedin. It spoke to me at the perfect time. I was going through the review process and used the word “Growth” a lot. I knew it would lead to conversation, so I intentionally left my statement’s vague. The quote from Jeff Haden, really summarized