Press Play

I’ve written about the power of video in the past. It’s an impactful medium so I think it’s worth a continuous discussion. People remember stories over facts and video over text, so when you’re telling your brand’s story it’s important to use video. Traditionally, video has been a passive way to consume content. This made

3 Attainable Marketing Tactics for Your 2021 Marketing Plan

It’s list season, so what kind of blog would this be if I did not create my own list? Large and small organizations have a cap. Does their staff have the resources, the knowledge, the tools, the budget? Without a cap would we really need a consultant or an agency? Keeping capacity in mind, I

Success… or Not

Let me tell you a story… For the last 15 months, my team and I have worked with a large international nonprofit. Over this time we’ve helped them achieve a lot (despite COVID). Donation value is up nearly 250% year over year. Email list is 25% larger this holiday season. Traffic is up 54% year


I work with a lot of organizations that target different audiences. Lately, my team and I have spent a lot of time with a skincare organization who’s products are meant for Gen Z  and young Millennials. I’ve enjoyed working with this client because attracting and connecting with this audience segment is an interesting challenge.  Gen

Part 3: It’s A Product World

The last two weeks we’ve talked about the technology behind our favorite products and the consumer behavior that inspires our digital world. This week I want to discuss the actual digital products and CE devices that will continue to increase their role in future digital engagement efforts.  It’s a product world. We’re product people in