“Don’t be scared to put yourself and your work out. You can never grow, be seen, or discovered if you don’t put yourself and your work into the world!”
I’m not sure of the origin of this quote but saw it on Jakob Owens’ Instagram account. As you may know, I love videography and film and have enjoyed watching Jakob’s journey on IG. Although we’ve never met, I’m inspired by his content and commitment to his craft. I’d recommend following his account if you’re interested in video.
On to the quote.
I often come across quotes that are relevant for me personally, or my clients professionally. When I saw this one on a black background as I scrolled through IG, it stuck with me as relevant for both.
Personally, it’s a reminder to get out there and share my story. There’s often not a right or wrong answer for many questions, just multiple perspectives that lead to multiple answers. When I pitch a new project, I pitch an approach, and usually so does everyone else. I don’t think the others are wrong, they’re often just different ways to arrive at the same place – success.
Professionally, it served as a reminder to push the clients I work with to tell their story. To be different. Have a voice. To just be authentic.
As I watched the inauguration last week and the swearing-in of staff, the comment President Biden made about treating people with respect and decency stood out. He told appointees that he would fire them on the spot if they didn’t treat their peers and adversaries that way. This is a shift from the previous administration who was more confrontational for sure. This quote ultimately stood out to me because I, like Joe, believe that people are good.
Often fear keeps us from putting ourselves out there, but when we do the freeing feeling can’t be matched. This quote is a reminder of that feeling. The contrast in words in a stream of pictures stood out and the message itself spoke truth and encouragement.
Here’s to being authentic out loud.