“Growth happens when you’re stretched. Growth happens when you’re pushed. Growth happens when you’re forced to overcome challenges, obstacles and self-doubt. If you aren’t uncomfortable, you aren’t growing”

This week’s quote is from one of the Daily Rundown’s published by Linkedin. It spoke to me at the perfect time. I was going through the review process and used the word “Growth” a lot. I knew it would lead to conversation, so I intentionally left my statement’s vague. The quote from Jeff Haden, really summarized what I love about being in the digital space and working in digital strategy. Let’s face it, there are always going to be digital challenges. Technology and how people interact with it is constantly changing. Solutions and platforms that don’t evolve become extinct. That’s what makes the digital world so fascinating.

Jeff’s full article is about careers and provides great career advice, but in reality, it provides great life advice. Read the full article here.