“Our goal should be to find what’s right – not to be right.”

This week’s quote comes from a book I just finished – Think Like a Rocket Scientist by Ozan Varol. A few people that I professionally admire had posted about the book before I decided to pick it up, and after my read I highly recommend it.

Ozan drops a lot of knowledge throughout the book, stitched together with quotes from well known minds. All of the book spoke to me as I think about how I can get better, do better, be better that I was yesterday.

The agency life leads to this mindset as clients often bring the “what have you done for me lately” mindset to the table. I’ve read quotes from other agencies and leaders who approach every project as a rookie, a beginner, without any previous information. It’s how they ideate, start with the pie in the sky and then come back to reality as part of the process. It’s this mentality that I gravitate to and that I try to model my behavior after.

When we start ideas with the reasons it won’t work, we often end up doing the same thing we did yesterday, the ‘safe’ option. After all, isn’t an outside perspective what many brands find valuable about working with an external agency?

Here’s to taking moonshots, thinking big, learning from failure, and testing as we fly. All topics discussed in Ozan’s book and all aspects important to achieving success.