“It’s not what you got, but what you do with what you got.”

This week’s quote comes from last night’s episode of Hardball with Chris Matthews. It actually comes from Disney, but was quoted in last night’s episode of Hardball.

It stuck with me after I heard it for a few reasons, but mostly because I’ve been soulsearching recently. Taking stock in what I have and what I’m thankful for. Trying not to get caught up in the more mantra, but instead embracing the “that’s me” mentality.

When we stop trying to get more, to have it all, and instead focus on what we do have we can make that truly great. As my wife and I look at houses and think about family, it can be tough to take a second and think about what we do have and how we are truly blessed we are.

I’m not saying stop working hard to improve ourselves or to achieve something great. The thing to note is there’s always going to be more and if you don’t enjoy the now, you’ll never enjoy the more that you get.