“Some fear that listening affirms the other’s point of view. Rather, it is in listening that others begin to feel safe enough to loosen their grip on strongly held convictions.”

Happy Independence Day!

This week’s quote from an article posted in the Harvard Business Review by Executive Business Coaches Ron Carucci and Jarrod Shappell is relevant.

The quote is important in all aspects of life. Turn on the news and you will see people yelling and talking over one another. Today the world seems to be divided more than ever before. That’s why it’s important to listen and to understand.

The digital world is a special place that gives everyone a soapbox to stand on. It allows people to easily connect with other like-minded people, but it is ruining our ability to listen? I’ve posted a lot of quotes about listening on this blog. It’s something that I believe is super important today.

This week’s quote references how it can help you ‘win’ in a situation, but listening also can help solve problems, find common ground, think about things in a more complete way. We should talk with people, not at them. That means listening as well as responding.

Here’s to listening and talking with others. Let’s make the world a better place through conversation and respect.