“Do you listen to understand, or do you listen to respond?”
This week’s quote comes from my brother-in-law, Travis. Well, I don’t really know where the quote comes from, but it’s one he pulled out as a quick one liner in a conversation. The question is true for both personal and professional situations.
Personally, if we don’t listen to each other, will we ever truely be able to undertand each other, to compromise, to work together? I don’t think so, without understanding there is not a true community. It’s often said you shouldn’t judge someone until you walk in their shoes, but how can you walk int heir shoes if you are not listening to what they say so that you can try to understand where they are coming from?
Professionally, it’s important to know that you don’t know everything off the top of your head. No one does, but by listening to others and understanding where they’re coming from you can learn something and provide solutions to real problems that arise.