Sliding into Home

I love football, but I do miss baseball. Don’t you? I suppose this post can be considered a follow up to another one of my posts, “They See Me Scrolling.” In that post, I explore the digital usage trend of scrolling and why that trend should force the old “above the fold” mentality to evolve.

Homepage: The Elevator Pitch

My team and I recently finished the design phase of a project with a DC-based membership-driven organization. With this project, our design phase included a style guide, a homepage comp, and several internal page comps. For this post, I’m going to focus on the Homepage and how we ended up where we did. In today’s

Should It Stay or Should It Go?

It’s easy for digital properties to quickly become digital filing cabinets. So, what should stay and what should go? This is one of the biggest questions during any redesign, rebrand, or reimagining of a digital property (my personal digital properties are no different). It can be an intense process for organizations/brands to sort through thousands

A Transactional State of Mind

I recently pitched a new client on a digital strategy engagement. During the pitch, I talked a lot about strategy and the improvements I’d suggest they make to their digital ecosystem. This conversation started with a question that I love when clients (or potential clients) ask. What’s your approach to digital strategy? When conversations start

That’s Progressive

What is Progressive Profiling? I recently had a planning meeting with a client and brought up progressive profiling. They nodded their heads in agreement as I talked about how I wanted to use progressive profiling to help them build their relationship with their customers who come through their digital properties as opposed to in-person. After

Hello world!

Welcome to my little corner of the digital world. My name’s Joe. I’m a lot of things but often describe myself as a storyteller, problem solver, and conversation starter. I like to learn and love technology. I find inspiration in a number of places, but mostly in the people, I meet. I spend my days