I work with a lot of organizations that target different audiences. Lately, my team and I have spent a lot of time with a skincare organization who’s products are meant for Gen Z  and young Millennials. I’ve enjoyed working with this client because attracting and connecting with this audience segment is an interesting challenge.  Gen

Part 3: It’s A Product World

The last two weeks we’ve talked about the technology behind our favorite products and the consumer behavior that inspires our digital world. This week I want to discuss the actual digital products and CE devices that will continue to increase their role in future digital engagement efforts.  It’s a product world. We’re product people in

“Change comes from the outside in, forcing us to react and manage crises. Transformation, on the other hand, whether it is business or personal, always comes from the inside out, and that gives us far more positive control while allowing us to actively shape the future.”

This week’s quote comes from Daniel Burrus. I discovered it on LinkedIn this week and it stuck with me since I read it. I often think about why people do things and that actually means. Do people really change? It’s a question a lot of us ask. The words change and transform often get interchanged,

Part 1: The Customer is Always Right

In the first part of this series of post about the immediate future of digital marketing, I’ll discuss consumer behavior.  Early in my career, I was on a team that focused on emerging digital markets. We prioritized our projects based on projects we’d make about where CE (Consumer Electronics) products would go in the future.

“Some fear that listening affirms the other’s point of view. Rather, it is in listening that others begin to feel safe enough to loosen their grip on strongly held convictions.”

Happy Independence Day! This week’s quote from an article posted in the Harvard Business Review by Executive Business Coaches Ron Carucci and Jarrod Shappell is relevant. The quote is important in all aspects of life. Turn on the news and you will see people yelling and talking over one another. Today the world seems to

The Future

I recently was asked to discuss the future of digital marketing. I often discuss this with my team and anyone else who is interested or will loan me their ear. This time I was asked to discuss the immediate future of digital marketing. Essentially, what the next 5(ish) years will look like. I’ve thought a